3 Ways to Have Better Self Esteem

Here are 3 Ways to Have Better Self Esteem:

1) Retrain your brain to notice the things you like about yourself.  Use positive self speak, because your spirit believes what you say about yourself.

2) Improve yourself.  Learn something new and do something for yourself that makes you feel good.

3) Change from the inside out.  You become what you radiate out, so if you’re cranky and grumpy you’re going to look that way.  If you use positive self speak that makes you feel good, you’re going to feel and look good.

Past Life Interview Series Part 2 – Joanna Turner

In this interview, Joanna Turner shares how she found out about her life where she was burnt at the stake as a witch.

She explains the journey she went through to heal this life and integrate her past life memory into her current life.

Originally from Scotland, now a digital nomad. Joanna is a leading Intuitive Business Mentor, Advanced EFT & Master NLP Practitioner, (and former Chartered Accountant!) She is a mentor to female entrepreneurs, and specializes in busting money & visibility blocks.  Find out more about her and her current offerings at www.missionforbalance.com

Past Life Interview Series Part 1 – Marin Bach-Antonson

In this interview, Marin Bach-Antonson reveals how she was violently attacked by a mob in her past life.

She shares the way she processed the memories from that life to empower not only herself but many others.

Thank you Marin for opening up and sharing your story with us!

Marin is a priestess, coach, catalyst, and energetic midwife for the new feminine paradigm.  You can read more about her and her current offerings at www.riseupgoddess.com.

Introducing the Past Life Interview Series


Past Life Interview Series

In this powerful video series, I interview successful spiritual leaders who discuss their personal experiences with past life persecution, and how they were able to overcome a victim role and focus on self-empowerment.

We’ll be interviewing one spiritual professional each week, starting tomorrow.

But first…a story:

I was enjoying a sunny day at the Saturday market where I ran my Tarot booth, when a Raven haired woman approached.  She pointed at the tapestries hanging behind me, “I love those!”

We started making small talk about magic and I asked her how I could energetically protect my booth, because the old gypsy palm reader had been throwing me shade.

She gave me some good advice and then shook my hand.  Gasping, she pulled back and said, “You were an Oracle at Delphi!”

I was weirded out and intrigued at the same time.  No one had ever said anything like that to me before.  She gave me her card and we set up a time to talk more at her home.

I arrived at her place as the sun was setting and I felt like I was going to visit the village soothsayer…because I was.

Her home was decorated with hanging herbs and candles, and as she led me into the kitchen she said, “My mother always told me not to trust anyone who’s uncomfortable in your kitchen, because that’s the heart of your home.”

We sat at the dining room table and she started to invoke my spirit guide.  She told me he was a giant dude with a big gash on his face, that he seemed like a gladiator.  “He’s very protective of you – he’s hovering over you right now.”

She told me I had done him a favor in another life and that in this life he was happy to be my protector.

Then she started to talk about a few of my past lives.  “You’ve been a healer, you’ve been a healer, and you’ve been a healer, and then all of a sudden…they start to hate you for it.” 

She went on to describe how I went through all three inquisitions.  “The Spanish Inquisition was the worst….it was not good.”  I started to feel nauseous.

The nausea continued as I took the train home.  I started to feel dizzy and realized I was going to pass out.  I got off on the next stop, took a few deep breaths and walked home.

It took a while for me to integrate this strange information…I knew it was true.  It all made sense, the mistrust of others, not trusting myself, keeping my life private, getting anxiety and my throat closing up when doing readings.

I still wasn’t convinced, so I decided to consult some professional psychics and past life readers.  After 3 in a row telling me that I was burned as a witch without me telling them anything about myself; I was a little more convinced.

I was even more convinced when I started retrieving past life memories in my meditations.

At one point I saw men with dark beards wearing chain link armor marching in a row, and I got the feeling that I thought they were total dolts.  I did some research and found out that must have been during the crusades.

Another time I saw myself sitting in a living room weaving black thread through an embroidery hoop.  It looked like I had a nice fancy dress on and the living room was well decorated.

When I researched that, I found that there’s a specific kind of Spanish embroidery called blackwork that was popular in the 15th and 16th centuries.  This would be around the same time of the Spanish Inquisition which was established in the late 15th century.

After all this synchronicity, I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

I made a conscious choice to move through all the feelings I had about itgrief, anger, despair, hopelessness, abandonment, rage…which became a healing process that helped me remember what’s important to me.

I realized quickly that I was going to have to let go of the victim role & find a new way to feel empowered, otherwise there was no way I was going to be able to walk down a spiritual path in this life.

If I didn’t let go of my victim role, I would never find my true self, because our natural state is to be empowered. 

The biggest way I did this was to take what I learned from those lives, and focus on what desire it left me with…

To help people who have lost touch with their magic to stand in their true power & be unapologetic about their magic & not even feel like they must convince anyone that it’s real…

And to get people to realize that putting someone else’s beliefs of spirituality down doesn’t make your beliefs and spiritual experience any more legitimate or right.

To all the magical people who’ve experienced religious or spiritual persecution in this life or others, find out what it is that drives you to keep sharing your true self & focus on that.

Know that you are safe, and the world desperately needs & wants you here.


Making Plans & Adapting


You can know that you’re really committed to following through with your plans if you make a plan that works for you personally.

Self-sabotage happens when you create a plan that you know you can’t follow through with.

For example, say that you want to start a meditation practice and eventually you want to work up to 30 minutes a day of meditation because you know that it would benefit you.

Mentally; you’d have more clarity, physically; it would benefit your health, spiritually and emotionally; it would help you feel more centered.

There are all these benefits that you know it would help you with – but if you start off by saying, “I’m going to meditate 30 minutes a day,” and then a week later you’re like, “Well it’s Sunday, I’m going to sleep in instead of doing my meditation; I feel good so I’m going to take this morning off.”

That is self-sabotaging, but if you start with something that you definitely know you can do, like say, “Well I definitely know I can start with 5 minutes a day and I can stick to that no matter what.”

So you stick with that and eventually it feels natural to you.

There are all these Psychology studies that say it takes 21 – 30 days to break a habit.  So, if you say “I can definitely start with 5 minutes and no matter what, no excuses, I’m going to commit to the 5 minutes a day.”

You can remind yourself of the benefits – “It’s going to make me feel so good, and it is already making me feel so good, and I feel so calm and centered and stable and clear…” and just keep giving yourself that motivation, and then when you get to the end of the 30 days it feels so natural for you that you can increase it to 10 minutes.

You just keep going until it becomes natural to you because of course, at first, lifestyle changes don’t feel natural.

You’re like, “Why am I doing this??  It doesn’t make sense…” and then you remind yourself of the benefits, and you continue with it until you’re like, “Wow, I did all these things and I really did make this change, because I care about myself and I’m committed to doing what makes me feel good.”

Another level to this is if there’s an event or project you’re working on like a book, or an art project.  When you do that there’s an energy that you bring through and you change things in this reality.

When you participate in life and change reality, life responds.  You want to leave room or the unexpected to happen, because things may not go how you expect.

You want to be a part of that flow of life where you’re bringing through your creative expression and sharing your love with the world and creating events and planning ahead for certain things to happen.

But you also have to give room for the unexpected to happen and just to see how life responds to that and how you respond to it – to the changes that you’re bringing through.

Even though you do need to give yourself that time and space, and be patient with yourself and gentle with yourself, you still need to make the plan and follow through with what you say you’re going to do.

Make your plans and play your part, because if you don’t do anything then nothing will change.  Getting out there and creating and working on creative projects may not turn out how you expect, but if you don’t do anything then nothing will change.


Spring Equinox

Today is a great day to go within and recognize the increasing light within you.

That may bring new awareness to something that needs to be left behind to move forward and fully embody this light, which is empowering to your Highest Potential.

Take some time to meditate and internally reflect on what is being reborn within you and how your old identity needs to fall away for you to move forward with your new identity and your new life.

Ask how you can come more into alignment with your new life.

Sometimes that will include drawing from past experiences, but sometimes it will require a new approach and being willing to have strength and courage and confidence in yourself and your own abilities that you are in alignment with what you’re calling forth into your life

And that as long as you stay in alignment with your true self and your most authentic self you’ll be empowered on this path and this journey.

So, you can leave old fears and your old identities behind.

Take some time to honor yourself and what you’re moving into and the light that’s increasing within you now.

How to align your will more with the will of the divine and the greater good and how you can step into the flow of that and be a part of that.

And a great way to do that is to get out in nature and see how nature’s flowing now and how can I step more into the flow of life and my surroundings and my own body.

Focus on your whole body and how that feels.  Notice if there’s any parts that are in pain or numb…just scan your body and see how you can have this union with your own body.

Just be fully aware of every sensation and send yourself love and feel as good as possible in your own body.

Happy Spring Equinox!

3/13 – 3/19


The Magician is a reminder that our thoughts & words are very powerful, and as we speak, we create.

It’s time to align your will with the Divine Plan for your life.

The Empress reminds us that there is a flow to the abundance of life, and to be a part of it all we must do is step into that flow.

If any part of you is resistant & holding on when you should be letting go, you’re separating yourself from that flow.

Surrendering your will to the Divine will means that if you fee divinely guided to something, you work through your own resistances or understanding of why you should do it.

The 6 of Pentacles means that there’s an exchange of resources.  Resources include time, energy, money, etc.

We need to balance out the giving and receiving in our lives to keep the flow going.

Things aren’t always as they appear.  One person’s success may not look like success to someone else.

You don’t have to wait for someone to come along and give you what you think you need, because maybe you need to be exactly where you are now so you can be the one to make a different choice.


If you’re looking to make massive transformation in your life and could use some guidance and support, email contact@norawallace.com to set up a discovery call and find out how your life can change for the better. I have one spot left for March!

3/6 – 3/12


10 of Swords: 

  • Betrayal, mistrust, being stabbed in the back
  • Being a victim, giving up
  • Overwhelming thoughts
  • Negative thoughts directed at you from others
  • Something is finished – which is like a death
  • Lessons learned, completion of a cycle

Feeling helpless because there’s so many things to do, so many tasks, so much on your mind.

Sometimes we need to admit that we need help, and we can’t do it on our own.

Another part to this; don’t spend time with people who will betray you.  Learn your lessons and don’t place yourself in harmful situations. 

Even if it seems harmless, like if you just change yourself a little bit, or compromise yourself a little bit to fit in, or say, “I’m just going to say I agree so this night can go well.”

In the end, that is killing you because you’re losing yourself, you’re losing your identity and your authenticity.

Sometimes we need to be corrected if we’re on the wrong track or if we’re incorrect about something – that’s why it’s important to have friends who you can have disagreements with, and work them out.

But that’s not the same thing as constantly changing yourself, and trying to force yourself into places where you don’t belong and aren’t welcome and don’t feel safe.

Value yourself by putting up strong boundaries.  Plus, letting go of tense situations and strained relationships opens up room for you explore environments and situations you DO feel in harmony with.

9 of Swords:

  • Anxiety, worry, stress, loneliness, guilt, regret

Trying to clear your mind & console yourself won’t make your worries go away.

Ask yourself, “Is worrying about this helping the situation right now?  Is there anything I can do about it right now?”  If no, let it go.

Deal with the problems, and again, you don’t have to do it alone.  Even if there’s nobody in the world you think you can trust, there is always someone to help.

9 of Cups:

  • Personal satisfaction, rewards, vindication, accomplishment

The satisfaction is “personal” because holding yourself to your own highest standards is emotionally rewarding. 

Forcing things and being hard on yourself to be perfect and fit in and try to make everyone like you increases your stress and drains you of your vitality.

Ask yourself, “What do I really want? And if I had that, what would that mean and what would that feel like?”

It’s OK to close yourself off from others sometimes, IF it makes you more focused.

Stop being distracted trying to prove yourself.  Just being your best self will naturally bring you into contact with those you feel more aligned with, because that’s where your focus will be.


*I have 2 spots left in March for 6 Weeks of personalized one-on-one support.  Email me at contact@norawallace.com to set up a free 30-minute discovery call to find out how this can help you.  Includes a free mini-reading with immediate support.*

Weekly Cards 2/27 – 3/5


Happy New Moon! 

There’s something refreshing about New Moons.

While the slow build up in the week before the new moon may be begrudgingly painful as we release and work through difficult emotions…

The New Moon gives us a chance to start fresh, and feel lighter, with a clean slate to work with.

This New Moon is also with a Solar eclipse which has to do with our identity.

What if we were to harness the creative power and genius that’s available to us?

There is a way to get closer to God and feel Divinity flow through you.  Let the Goddess open up all your channels, energizing every fiber of your being with electricity.

Feel the giant wings of Archangel Michael shielding you.  Feel the Angelic wings of Isis spreading across your back.

Feel your own Angelic nature.

Pisces is a time of connection with our Spirituality.

“What do I believe?” is an extremely important question.

Find out if you have any unanswered questions and answer them.

One false belief can be a loophole that unravels your whole belief system so it can also be a time of great transformation that’s not always easy.

That’s why the Destroyer archetypes are coming through – Sekhmet, Kali, Inanna.  To bring attention to our own weakest links within ourselves so we can be stronger.

We need to get to the root of it and figure out why it’s there.  Heal, acknowledge, and honor it, in order to transform it.

Heal the core wound or the pattern will repeat itself.


Hanged Man:  Suspense, waiting, letting go of control, spiritual awakening, illumination, enlightenment, perspective, world turned upside down.

Empress:  Divine Feminine.  Calling forth manifestation of abundance, patience, allowing, receiving, love, beauty.

Being out in nature is good for the Spirit.  Our spirit wants to be nurtured and lavished in the luxury of Mother Nature.  Let yourself enjoy and experience pleasure.

10 of Pentacles: Family, generations, longevity, prosperity, wealth, security, familiarity.  Happiness, success, everything is how it should be.  Enjoying home life.

Appreciating those that support us, elders, husbands, wives, children, pets.


I have 3 spaces available in March for the one on one Personal Map of Life Tarot series, as well as the one on one Shamanic Journey series.

These series initiate long term transformation, healing, guidance, and empowerment in your life.  Email contact@norawallace.com to set up your discovery call.

*I have a very exciting one on one  3 Month Goddess Transformation series coming up.  Stay tuned for more!*

Weekly Guidance 2/20 – 2/26


There’s a slower start to the week of healing and recovering.

Spend some time in a quiet restorative, reflective practice.

Stop trying to figure things out.

Just relax & quiet your mind & the answers will come to you at the exact right, perfect time.

Retreat, but don’t procrastinate.

Hiding yourself under a rock can be nice sometimes, but if you stay there too long it can crush you.

Do what you can to get started & follow through & move forward with your plans.

The retreat is where we regain our energy & this renewal is needed to have the energy to keep going.


Book your one-on-one session HERE.

I’m opening up 4 spots in March for ongoing support for radical transformation, empowerment and healing.  These spots are open to those that are truly committed and dedicated to their spiritual path.  Set up a discovery call HERE to apply and find out how getting support in this way can deeply change your life.