3 Ways to Have Better Self Esteem

Here are 3 Ways to Have Better Self Esteem:

1) Retrain your brain to notice the things you like about yourself.  Use positive self speak, because your spirit believes what you say about yourself.

2) Improve yourself.  Learn something new and do something for yourself that makes you feel good.

3) Change from the inside out.  You become what you radiate out, so if you’re cranky and grumpy you’re going to look that way.  If you use positive self speak that makes you feel good, you’re going to feel and look good.

Past Life Interview Series Part 1 – Marin Bach-Antonson

In this interview, Marin Bach-Antonson reveals how she was violently attacked by a mob in her past life.

She shares the way she processed the memories from that life to empower not only herself but many others.

Thank you Marin for opening up and sharing your story with us!

Marin is a priestess, coach, catalyst, and energetic midwife for the new feminine paradigm.  You can read more about her and her current offerings at www.riseupgoddess.com.

Making Plans & Adapting


You can know that you’re really committed to following through with your plans if you make a plan that works for you personally.

Self-sabotage happens when you create a plan that you know you can’t follow through with.

For example, say that you want to start a meditation practice and eventually you want to work up to 30 minutes a day of meditation because you know that it would benefit you.

Mentally; you’d have more clarity, physically; it would benefit your health, spiritually and emotionally; it would help you feel more centered.

There are all these benefits that you know it would help you with – but if you start off by saying, “I’m going to meditate 30 minutes a day,” and then a week later you’re like, “Well it’s Sunday, I’m going to sleep in instead of doing my meditation; I feel good so I’m going to take this morning off.”

That is self-sabotaging, but if you start with something that you definitely know you can do, like say, “Well I definitely know I can start with 5 minutes a day and I can stick to that no matter what.”

So you stick with that and eventually it feels natural to you.

There are all these Psychology studies that say it takes 21 – 30 days to break a habit.  So, if you say “I can definitely start with 5 minutes and no matter what, no excuses, I’m going to commit to the 5 minutes a day.”

You can remind yourself of the benefits – “It’s going to make me feel so good, and it is already making me feel so good, and I feel so calm and centered and stable and clear…” and just keep giving yourself that motivation, and then when you get to the end of the 30 days it feels so natural for you that you can increase it to 10 minutes.

You just keep going until it becomes natural to you because of course, at first, lifestyle changes don’t feel natural.

You’re like, “Why am I doing this??  It doesn’t make sense…” and then you remind yourself of the benefits, and you continue with it until you’re like, “Wow, I did all these things and I really did make this change, because I care about myself and I’m committed to doing what makes me feel good.”

Another level to this is if there’s an event or project you’re working on like a book, or an art project.  When you do that there’s an energy that you bring through and you change things in this reality.

When you participate in life and change reality, life responds.  You want to leave room or the unexpected to happen, because things may not go how you expect.

You want to be a part of that flow of life where you’re bringing through your creative expression and sharing your love with the world and creating events and planning ahead for certain things to happen.

But you also have to give room for the unexpected to happen and just to see how life responds to that and how you respond to it – to the changes that you’re bringing through.

Even though you do need to give yourself that time and space, and be patient with yourself and gentle with yourself, you still need to make the plan and follow through with what you say you’re going to do.

Make your plans and play your part, because if you don’t do anything then nothing will change.  Getting out there and creating and working on creative projects may not turn out how you expect, but if you don’t do anything then nothing will change.


Weekly Cards 2/27 – 3/5


Happy New Moon! 

There’s something refreshing about New Moons.

While the slow build up in the week before the new moon may be begrudgingly painful as we release and work through difficult emotions…

The New Moon gives us a chance to start fresh, and feel lighter, with a clean slate to work with.

This New Moon is also with a Solar eclipse which has to do with our identity.

What if we were to harness the creative power and genius that’s available to us?

There is a way to get closer to God and feel Divinity flow through you.  Let the Goddess open up all your channels, energizing every fiber of your being with electricity.

Feel the giant wings of Archangel Michael shielding you.  Feel the Angelic wings of Isis spreading across your back.

Feel your own Angelic nature.

Pisces is a time of connection with our Spirituality.

“What do I believe?” is an extremely important question.

Find out if you have any unanswered questions and answer them.

One false belief can be a loophole that unravels your whole belief system so it can also be a time of great transformation that’s not always easy.

That’s why the Destroyer archetypes are coming through – Sekhmet, Kali, Inanna.  To bring attention to our own weakest links within ourselves so we can be stronger.

We need to get to the root of it and figure out why it’s there.  Heal, acknowledge, and honor it, in order to transform it.

Heal the core wound or the pattern will repeat itself.


Hanged Man:  Suspense, waiting, letting go of control, spiritual awakening, illumination, enlightenment, perspective, world turned upside down.

Empress:  Divine Feminine.  Calling forth manifestation of abundance, patience, allowing, receiving, love, beauty.

Being out in nature is good for the Spirit.  Our spirit wants to be nurtured and lavished in the luxury of Mother Nature.  Let yourself enjoy and experience pleasure.

10 of Pentacles: Family, generations, longevity, prosperity, wealth, security, familiarity.  Happiness, success, everything is how it should be.  Enjoying home life.

Appreciating those that support us, elders, husbands, wives, children, pets.


I have 3 spaces available in March for the one on one Personal Map of Life Tarot series, as well as the one on one Shamanic Journey series.

These series initiate long term transformation, healing, guidance, and empowerment in your life.  Email contact@norawallace.com to set up your discovery call.

*I have a very exciting one on one  3 Month Goddess Transformation series coming up.  Stay tuned for more!*

Weekly Guidance 2/20 – 2/26


There’s a slower start to the week of healing and recovering.

Spend some time in a quiet restorative, reflective practice.

Stop trying to figure things out.

Just relax & quiet your mind & the answers will come to you at the exact right, perfect time.

Retreat, but don’t procrastinate.

Hiding yourself under a rock can be nice sometimes, but if you stay there too long it can crush you.

Do what you can to get started & follow through & move forward with your plans.

The retreat is where we regain our energy & this renewal is needed to have the energy to keep going.


Book your one-on-one session HERE.

I’m opening up 4 spots in March for ongoing support for radical transformation, empowerment and healing.  These spots are open to those that are truly committed and dedicated to their spiritual path.  Set up a discovery call HERE to apply and find out how getting support in this way can deeply change your life.

Weekly Guidance August 8th – 14th: Lion’s Gate


This is a very strong powerful week for manifesting, so keep your thoughts and intentions clear and focused on what you want to experience in your life.

This is not a time to play small and accept what is comfortable for you; this is the time to think about all of your dreams coming true.

What would it be like if all of your highest and best hopes, dreams, and wishes were to come true and to unfold naturally in a way that is beyond anything you could have logically thought out or planned for yourself?h

You know what these desires are because they come from your heart.

It benefits all of life for your desires to be fulfilled…so know that you are worthy.

Accept your worthiness.

You may wish to use the power of your word and write down some of your wishes for what you hope to experience and how are you hoping to be involved in the world over the next year down on paper.

You are also being invited to be aware of the objections and doubts that your logical mind has to the fulfillment of these desires.

It is not your job to figure out how these dreams are going to come true.

It is your job to have faith in your desires, and to know that they can be fulfilled in miraculously unexpected ways.  When you let go of trying to figure out how these things will happen, that’s when you give your Higher Self permission to work on your behalf.

Then, make it your intention to deeply receive help.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually just receive without putting out any effort.

You will know when the time is right to take action.

This is a yin/yang balance.  You need to embrace and embody the yin receiving side of yourself, and then the yang side of yourself can take guided action.

Be at peace and know that all is well.

All you have to do is ask your heart what it desires for your life.

When you’re listening to your heart’s desires there is no right or wrong, there is only pure strength and innocence.


I have 2 spaces available in August for 6 weeks of personalized, intimate, ongoing support for powerful people looking to make massive long term changes in their life.

If this sounds like you, email me at contact@norawallace.com to set up a free 30-minute discovery session, including a free mini-reading with immediate guidance.

Why You Need to Stop Trying to Find a Relationship


There we were, sitting in my car, two 18 year olds, on a stale gray day in North Dakota. We had been very close friends for two years, and we’d gotten to the point where we were exasperated with one another and it was either stay or go. After teetering on the edge of “best friends” and “boyfriend/girlfriend” for two years, it was time to make a decision.

I took a puff of my cigarette (yeah…I’ve done some drinkin’….some druggin’….) and asked him…

“Do you even love me?”

He looked off into the distance and the moments waiting for his answer took all the air out of the room. My palms were sweaty, my heart was pounding, and my throat was so tight I could barely swallow.

He turned and looked me straight in the eyes and said, “No.” His answer was so firm I almost believed him.

All I could say was, “Ok.” I felt the tears welling up behind my eyes and a rush of emotion to my heart. I asked him to leave.

After seeing each other every day for the past two years, we went our separate ways. For a month I thought about him every day…it was like I was mourning the loss of this great friendship. I thought about contacting him, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I had already been in that place before; of begging for someone’s love and affection.

Once, I found myself literally begging for someone to not break up with me. I was completely infatuated with him and I envisioned us getting married, having kids, and living happily ever after. He just stood there like a statue and left. We haven’t seen each other since.

Another time, I found myself trying to be in a relationship with someone else. We’d been seeing each other off and on, and I don’t even remember how it got to this point but one night I must’ve called him about 50 times with no response. It drove me CRAZY. All I wanted him to do was pick up the damn phone and just BE with me. Obviously….he did not…and I got over it.

I was like a constricting Snake, gripping onto its pray, squeezing tighter and tighter, and not letting go until there’s no more heartbeat and it’s dead, dead, dead.

That got me nowhere.

Finally, I decided I was tired. Tired of being rejected and feeling abandoned. Tired of being alone, but even more tired of all the energy I was putting into finding a man.
I was done. Done trying to make someone love me.

I knew that I was going to have to LOVE MYSELF. No one was going to be able to fill that hole in my heart except me.

I prepared to be single for the REST OF MY LIFE. I accepted that that was just how it was going to be. I told the Universe that I wasn’t against being in a relationship, but if I couldn’t be with someone that was right for me, I would rather just be alone, and left it at that.

This decision forced me to shift my focus in life. I had to find out how to make myself be happy on my own.

I wasn’t going to try to make him love me…I had to let go.

I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I started doing Yoga regularly, reading and writing more often, and I began to feel a sense of true peace and transcendence.

One day, about a month after we hadn’t spoken to each other, I was sitting at home by myself. I saw something on TV that made me think of him. All of a sudden, I just missed him so much. I missed his company. I missed sharing things with him.

We saw the world in such a similar way that there were certain things I could tell him that I wouldn’t tell anybody else. He got me in a way that no one else got me.

It almost felt like an out of body experience as I watched myself pick up my phone and text him, “I miss you.” I didn’t care what would happen, I just felt like my heart would implode if I didn’t say that.

My heart swelled with joy and I was overcome with emotion when he messaged me back, “I miss you too!!!”

We set up a time to hang out, and began slowly rebuilding our relationship. I later found out that right at the very moment I texted him, he was sulking around listening to music that reminded him of me, which goes to show that my man is a bad ass wizard.

Fast forward to today; we’re married, have two (amazing and crazy) daughters. We’ve moved across the country several times and have learned a lot about ourselves. We’ve gone through our own spiritual awakenings, and our lives are not defined by each other.

We give each other FREEDOM.

We accept each other fully for who we are. We support each other through our own individuality. We stand on our own two feet; we don’t depend on each other. We take care of ourselves, and cooperate with each other to parent our daughters and create a life together that is mutually satisfying.

Sometimes we miscommunicate and get on different pages. We always find a way to clear the air and get back on the same page.

I’m not saying that this is how it has to go, or how it will go for everyone who is in a loving relationship, because people have different definitions of what it means to be in a happy relationship. For me, I had to learn to let go and not have any expectations. I also had to accept loss, which meant not having the fear of losing someone because I knew that I would always still be myself.

Being friends first is what worked for me.

It worked because we got to know each other as PEOPLE before we decided to commit to being in a relationship. That way we didn’t define each other through our relationship. I see him as a whole person, not just my man or the father of my daughters. He is a man who stands on his own two feet and happens to be my husband.

There are many other aspects to both of our personalities than just having each other in our lives.

That is what makes our relationship so powerful.

There’s no fear attached to our relationship. Our lives are enhanced by being with each other, but if we didn’t have each other we would still be happy on our own.

So, if you are in that place of yearning to be in a deeply meaningful, loving relationship, or are even in a relationship but it’s not going the way you’d hoped…

Remember that you are your own best friend.

The Deeper you love yourself,

The Deeper you can share true Love with another.

Nora Wallace is a Tarot Reader and Shamanic Practitioner who offers magical life-changing guidance and support for those going through radical life transitions.

To get guidance and support to go deeper into an intimate relationship with yourself and attract the kind of relationship you want to be in, email contact@norawallace.com to schedule a free 30-minute exploratory call.


Spiritual Professionals: Your Work is Important!


I want to thank you for all the work you do, and remind you that what you do is meaningful.  You may never know the true extent of how you help people, but I am here to remind you that what you do has a positive effect in the lives of the people that you work with.

Here is the story of the first time I got a reading from a spiritual professional, and how she made a lasting impact on my life:

I remember her clearly.  Her aura gave off the warm aroma of essential oils and she looked at you as though she could see right through to your soul.

She was mystical like the color purple, but she was also down to earth like rich soil.

She graciously invited me into her home and brought me to her reading area.  With the spark of a match she passed the smoke of Sage over me.  When she asked me why I was there, I gave an emotionally charged, frenetic response.  Her Taurean sobriety was comforting to me.

The first cards she pulled were Temperance and the 5 of Swords.

“It looks to me like you’re trying to make something work, but it isn’t quite working for you.”

Immediately what came to mind was my relationship with my husband.  I thought about all the conversations we’d had recently where it seemed impossible to reach any sort of mutual conclusion.  This was extremely frustrating to me, being that he was (and still is) my best friend, so I couldn’t talk about this to the person I would normally turn to.

She started describing to me the Queen of Swords, “…emotionally distant…seeks the highest truth…presents impossible tests of loyalty in relationships…high standards of perfection…”

I knew that she was describing my husband.   She was good.

Then came her description of the King of Wands,                                                             “aggressive…intolerant…headstrong…temper…dramatic…”

Holy crap.  That was me.

She just described the way we had been communicating with each other at the time.  How did she know this?

It was in the cards.  And man, did she know her cards. 

She did not mince words, she gave me tough love realness and told me exactly what I had to do to stop my pity party.   I’m not sure what I expected or wanted to hear that day, but she wasn’t going to give it to me.

What she did give to me, was what I actually needed to hear.  When I got home I was able to apply all the advice she gave me.  Our conversations became more well-rounded, and we were able to see things from each other’s perspectives.

Not only did she help me to see my relationship dynamics more clearly so that I could better communicate with my husband…

…but my first Tarot reading awoke within me the deep connection I have to the cards (and eventually other forms of divination) that spans across this and other lifetimes.

To the woman who showed me that it’s possible to forge your own path in the world, thank you.  You’ve shown me that:

“You can go your own way!”

She wasn’t the first, either, and she won’t be the last.  I’ve been so inspired by the immense wisdom held by the spiritual professionals who have helped me along my way.

So whether you are helping someone to navigate their close personal relationships, or get the nerve to pursue their passion with bold confidence, you are doing great work! 

Thank you for your commitment and courage to show up in the world in a way that is authentically spiritually aligned.   Thank you for being you, and offering your truth, your practicality and your realness!

You are helping to transform this world for the better. 

Love, Nora

Weekly Reading April 11th-17th


This week’s reading is a bit different.  I started receiving messages for the week as soon as I sat down to meditate beforehand.

The first was to remember that our existence is temporal.  Some souls remember being in a space of no-time, and no-thing, that it can be quite strange to be back in a body in a place and in a time.  In these cases, it can be helpful to remember that old phrase “this too shall pass”.

The next message was that you choose what you receive based on how you tune your instrument; the instrument being your body.

It was recommended for all of you highly spiritual beings who are attuned to the higher dimensions and/or planes to practice being grounded in your body.  Balance this non-attachment, supreme energy with still being in this world.

Pretend that you are playing “Earth”…

You can still be taking care of your Earth self, but when you are aligned with your Higher Self, you can do it in a way that unfolds as beautifully as you can imagine…

…because when you actively use your imagination to envision the best life possible; you will find that there are some outcomes you can’t predict because they depend on something else happening.

Instead of making this like running into a brick wall in your imagination process, follow your vision, keep going and think of all the different possibilitiesSee how far you can get without incorporating any “buts” or “what ifs”, or “I can’t do that” or “that won’t happen” or “that’s not possible” or “that would take a lot of work.”

Try to get to the point where you really believe in your vision and can’t wait to see how it comes true.

Then, ask this Divine Guidance to come through your whole body and be practically grounded in your day to day life.  That way, when you come back down to Earth, you will instinctively know what to do to cooperate with the universe to create your vision.

This means you need to be listening to your instincts on a day to day basis.  If your instinct is to take a certain action, or not to take any action at all and get some rest, listen.  In these moments, your instinct is working with your Higher Self to help answer your prayers to create your vision.

I hope this week’s reading will guide you throughout your week.

To request your personalized Tarot reading session, email me:



Sylvia C. Sosnovska


Meditation Invitation

Today let us elevate our consciousness for the benefit of all.

Envision yourself in a higher state of being where you are nothing but the strongest, brightest white light that you can imagine.  Imagine that the boundaries of your body and your mind dissolve and all you can feel is this white light flowing gently through you.

Some areas of your body might “light up” with pain, or you may feel your spine is compressed and wants to let loose, or it may even feel like anything that holds you together wants to let go.  That can be sort of shocking at first, but know that this light is perfect for you because it is the light of your own soul.  It is the perfect temperature, strength, intensity, and hue for what you need at this time to facilitate your highest healing.

If you feel any of these places “light up”, send the parts of you that feel really good and are easily absorbing the light to those places.  Talk to those places, which are the parts of you that need love and healing, and tell them that you love them.   If you listen, they might even give you some valuable information that you need to know.

Spend ten-twenty minutes bathing in this beautiful light, and give thanks to the light for your healing.  It is highly possible, however, that during this time you will perceive time very differently.  Rather than feeling time as a linear continuum, you will experience eternity.

As you do this, your healing will benefit the whole world.  The whole world will feel your love.  Thank you!
