Weekly Guidance 2/20 – 2/26


There’s a slower start to the week of healing and recovering.

Spend some time in a quiet restorative, reflective practice.

Stop trying to figure things out.

Just relax & quiet your mind & the answers will come to you at the exact right, perfect time.

Retreat, but don’t procrastinate.

Hiding yourself under a rock can be nice sometimes, but if you stay there too long it can crush you.

Do what you can to get started & follow through & move forward with your plans.

The retreat is where we regain our energy & this renewal is needed to have the energy to keep going.


Book your one-on-one session HERE.

I’m opening up 4 spots in March for ongoing support for radical transformation, empowerment and healing.  These spots are open to those that are truly committed and dedicated to their spiritual path.  Set up a discovery call HERE to apply and find out how getting support in this way can deeply change your life.

Weekly Guidance 1/16 – 1/22


We have peace and mental clarity at the beginning of the week with the 4 of Swords.

This would be a good time to simplify and organize your life and your thoughts.

Spend some time in prayer/meditation, and purifying and cleansing your sacred space.  Bring order to chaos.

With the Sun moving into Aquarius in the middle of the week, we strive toward Higher Ideals.

The Ace of Pentacles comes in and advises us to start from where we are.

What can we offer with what we have now, to participate and be in the flow of life?  We all have something that we can offer.

With the Wheel of Fortune at the end of the week, we know that we can always handle whatever comes our way. 

Life will never give you something you’re not prepared for, unless it’s a catalyst for change, or to nudge you in a certain direction.

Open up to opportunities that come your way.

Try new things, and if you feel like you’re not ready, practice until you are.

Sometimes we also need to start before we’re ready, and then we have a remembrance of what we’re doing as we’re doing it.

We’re never done learning and experiencing.

Day after day, moment after moment, there’s still another level of learning, uncovering, discovering, clearing, maturing, purifying, etc.

Whatever it is, we’re always evolving, we’re always changing, and there is never an end, we’re never done.

That’s why on the Wheel, the Tarot ends and beings with a T, because endings and beginnings go hand in hand. 

How would it feel to have 6 weeks of one-on-one intuitive guidance and support to make your next big shift in your life?

I have two spaces left starting in February; to set up your free discovery call to claim your spot, email me at contact@norawallace.com.

Weekly Guidance 9/26 – 10/2


Messages from the archetype of Libra this week:

Do whatever it takes to maintain equilibrium and balance.

Be careful with your thoughts and your word, and take extra care to be very precise.

Taking an extreme point of view to counter another perspective will only get you pulled into a game of tug and war.  Your participation isn’t necessary.

A Dove of Peace with an Olive Branch came through for us this week as a messenger to be a peace bringer; focus on creating peace. 

Focus on the strengths of Libra, ruled by Venus; love, peace, harmony.

Bring a peacemaker by not letting emotions influence your decisions…taking into consideration fairness, equality, and balance.

Find any area of our lives that are pulling us off balance…

If you feel like your life is already balanced, then just marinating in that perfect balance and equilibrium and being in your true essence.

Cultivating that space of centeredness.

The image of a spinning top came up to show what this is like; it can’t get knocked off its axis but it can get all wobbly.  You’re never going to be able to stop moving, change is the only real constant in our lives. 

Riding the current – less like a wave, more like an electrical current.

Be balanced in all elements – so even though air is the strength this time of year, you still need the qualities of the other elements…

However, there is less of an emphasis of water, but more on air, earth and fire.  (We’ll have plenty of time for Water next month with Scorpio…)

Be very aware of electrical atmosphere; things bring “charged”.

That’s why cultivating this space is so important – so you don’t get pulled in or charged up by your atmosphere; you’re charging yourself up.

Get outside and breathe in fresh air for a while; go for a run, a swim, walk your dog, sit on the earth and get charged with clean fresh life force energy.

This will help move around any stagnant energy, so that you can just be clear and uplifted and energized.


I have two spaces still open starting in October for 6 Weeks of One-on-One support and guidance.  If you’re ready to deepen your personal sense of spirituality and get personalized attention and focus, email me to set up a free discovery call.

This is only for those who are willing and eager to invest their time and energy into deeply transforming and expanding their lives now.


Weekly Guidance September 5th – 11th


Even though there is increased chaos in the world right now, behind every thing there is a presence of peace for knowing the right thing to do in every moment.

The Hermit guides us to go within to our internal compass.  Our inner light will show us the way when we don’t know what to do.

Go to the really silent, still place of peace within you, and you’ll always know the truth.

The 2 of Cups reminds us of the importance of the relationships in our lives.  We really do need each other; to cooperate with each other and listen to each other, and share our hearts and our experiences with each other.

There’s a balance needed between the Hermit and the 2 of Cups.  The Hermit guides us to really know ourselves on the deepest level, tap into our own wisdom and not depend on others to find out what is true.  The 2 of Cups reminds us that we need to come out of our shells and share that wisdom and listen to others sharing their wisdom.

At the end of the week we have the Sun, bringing in a balance of freshness, of innocence and being open to the present moment, to the wisdom of the Hermit.

There is a Hermit within you who is old and wise and has learned much; yet there is also a Sun with you whose innocence,  openness, self expression, and creativity can never be broken or bought.

This is an important part of you that needs to be nurtured and trusted.  Follow your passion, follow your creativity and be open to new experiences with the wisdom of the Hermit.

Also, the contrast of the withdrawn Hermit to the openness of the Sun shows that at times during this week you’ll need to withdraw, and at other times you’ll need to come out of that and be open and vulnerable.  But you can’t be open and vulnerable unless you’ve taken the time to withdraw.  Spend time with yourself, digest and interpret your experiences and your emotions for yourself.  Otherwise you’re just speaking from a place or regurgitating what you’ve been fed.

Know that you are wise!  Listen to your inner Hermit!


I have one space open in September for 6 weeks of one on one guidance to transform your life, and explore and deepen your own spirituality.  Email me to set up a free 30 minute discovery session to discuss the possibilities of us working together, including immediate support.


Weekly Guidance 8/22 – 8/28


We’re at a time of year when things are starting to wind down, balanced with new abilities and latent possibilities becoming activated.  Have fun and play around with it.

Experiment with trying things a different way or continuing with what already works; sorting out what’s been working and what hasn’t.

Balance this with perseverance – you don’t want to give up before you see things come to completion!

We’re passing the peak of the solar time of year and entering an earthy time of year when we can ground ourselves.

Implementing and integrating all that happened over the Summer.

Applying all we’ve learned.

Planning ahead as we wind down the next few months and head into Fall/Winter.

Squirrels are coming through saying it’s time to be resourceful and gather your nuts for Winter  – but still you don’t want to have too many nuts weighing you down so no need to hoard!

Don’t be afraid to let go of what doesn’t work for you.  You’ll know what that is whether it’s a certain project, relationship/friendship, approach, behavior, etc.

Also, squirrels are very social creatures so maybe there will be some opportunities for lighthearted social interactions.

Remember there’s so need to scurry and rush, but still procrastination can make you feel more anxious than just getting things done!


Book your personal Tarot reading or Shamanic Journey session here

Weekly Guidance August 15th – 21st


This week’s guidance begins with a message from Spider.  There is a very delicate balance of weaving your web and knowing when to take action and knowing when to wait.

You don’t have to fill space in your mind in order to feel intelligent or feel productive.

Empty out your third eye; embrace not knowing.

Why empty out your mind?

Because everything else that fills your mind is a distraction or something extra – not your true self – which is pure awareness.

Knowing your true self on a deeper and deeper level makes everything else that’s not true just fall away, and you become invincible.

It’s important to keep up a diligent spiritual practice.  Even if you don’t do it every day, just having something to return to that re-establishes that still point within you is what keeps your strength and your connection to your true self.

This connection can never really be broken or lost.  We can just become filled with too many extra things in our minds that we forget who we really are…

…and we really are magical powerful creator beings.  We’re here to experience and interact with one another and witness the miracles of our creations and be in awe of our own power.

We’re not meant to struggle, but to live life with joy and ease.

Last week with the Lion’s Gate opening, there may have been some powerful shifts made.

You may experience jumping of timelines as frequent Deja vu, or a sense of being confused at what just happened a moment before, or not knowing exactly what events led up to where you are now.

That’s ok; know that everything that’s being done is for the greatest good of all involved with the changes taking place.

You may be integrating high vibrational frequencies and energies, so take time to ground this into your life.  I recommend connecting with the Earth.  Make skin contact with the Earth; especially if you can get your hands and feet on some grass, dirt, mud, or sand.  This will be electrically charging for your body, which will benefit you on all levels of your being.

Lastly, take some time to “create space for your higher guidance to speak to you”.  That was an angelic message that I got first thing this morning and I was told that each person who reads this will instinctively know what that means for them individually.

Take it easy and integrate this week!  Be delicate with yourself and do what nourishes and relaxes you.


I have one more space in August to work one-on-one for 6 weeks for powerful life long transformations.  Working together over the arc of 6 weeks allows us to create deeper change in your life, and is personalized for your needs.

Set up a free 30-minute consultation to find out how this can benefit you, including a mini-reading with immediate support:  contact@norawallace.com

Weekly Guidance August 8th – 14th: Lion’s Gate


This is a very strong powerful week for manifesting, so keep your thoughts and intentions clear and focused on what you want to experience in your life.

This is not a time to play small and accept what is comfortable for you; this is the time to think about all of your dreams coming true.

What would it be like if all of your highest and best hopes, dreams, and wishes were to come true and to unfold naturally in a way that is beyond anything you could have logically thought out or planned for yourself?h

You know what these desires are because they come from your heart.

It benefits all of life for your desires to be fulfilled…so know that you are worthy.

Accept your worthiness.

You may wish to use the power of your word and write down some of your wishes for what you hope to experience and how are you hoping to be involved in the world over the next year down on paper.

You are also being invited to be aware of the objections and doubts that your logical mind has to the fulfillment of these desires.

It is not your job to figure out how these dreams are going to come true.

It is your job to have faith in your desires, and to know that they can be fulfilled in miraculously unexpected ways.  When you let go of trying to figure out how these things will happen, that’s when you give your Higher Self permission to work on your behalf.

Then, make it your intention to deeply receive help.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually just receive without putting out any effort.

You will know when the time is right to take action.

This is a yin/yang balance.  You need to embrace and embody the yin receiving side of yourself, and then the yang side of yourself can take guided action.

Be at peace and know that all is well.

All you have to do is ask your heart what it desires for your life.

When you’re listening to your heart’s desires there is no right or wrong, there is only pure strength and innocence.


I have 2 spaces available in August for 6 weeks of personalized, intimate, ongoing support for powerful people looking to make massive long term changes in their life.

If this sounds like you, email me at contact@norawallace.com to set up a free 30-minute discovery session, including a free mini-reading with immediate guidance.

Weekly Guidance August 1st – 8th


  • What is it that you want to achieve in this life?
  • What kind of influence and presence do you want to have in this world?
  • Why?

Are you willing to support and back up your dreams with guided action?

Take a moment to pause, re-evaluate, and check in with yourself.  Is everything I’m doing serving my highest potential?

If not, examine those areas of your life and how they may be creating a pattern in other areas of your life.

See how you can create a healthier pattern that benefits you and everyone around you.

Don’t make things more complicated for yourself…simplify.

And remember to find and create Joy in your life.

The high-vibe counterpart to worry is Surrender.  So, surrender, and…

Don’t worry…be Happy!



Weekly Reading May 2nd-8th


Happy Beltane!  This is a fiery time of year.  Our inner fires are being re-lit from the same fire that fuels all of life.  Celebrate!

This week, the card that guides us is Soul Retrieval, from the Isis Oracle deck.

“Deep Soul Healing with the Goddess”

We are going through powerful healing transformations.  Be delicate with yourself this week, as you are being brought more into wholeness.  You are discovering new parts of you and rediscovering forgotten parts of you, and integrating them into your life.

Self-care is also emphasized this week.  You’re not responsible for others’ happiness.  Everyone must strengthen their own energy fields.  So, take the time to meditate, cook yourself a nice meal, take a long bath, stretch, work out, make some art, do some gardening, etc.

The Divine Feminine is being reawakened and remembered right now.

The Holy Mother of All Life is in Everything.

The Goddess Isis is a High Priestess and Sovereign Queen of the One Holy Mother.  She wants you to know that she is always there for you, always supporting you, always on your side and hoping for your best.

To set up a session with me to receive personalized spiritual guidance that you can practically apply to your life, email me at contact@norawallace.com.

Spiritual Professionals: Your Work is Important!


I want to thank you for all the work you do, and remind you that what you do is meaningful.  You may never know the true extent of how you help people, but I am here to remind you that what you do has a positive effect in the lives of the people that you work with.

Here is the story of the first time I got a reading from a spiritual professional, and how she made a lasting impact on my life:

I remember her clearly.  Her aura gave off the warm aroma of essential oils and she looked at you as though she could see right through to your soul.

She was mystical like the color purple, but she was also down to earth like rich soil.

She graciously invited me into her home and brought me to her reading area.  With the spark of a match she passed the smoke of Sage over me.  When she asked me why I was there, I gave an emotionally charged, frenetic response.  Her Taurean sobriety was comforting to me.

The first cards she pulled were Temperance and the 5 of Swords.

“It looks to me like you’re trying to make something work, but it isn’t quite working for you.”

Immediately what came to mind was my relationship with my husband.  I thought about all the conversations we’d had recently where it seemed impossible to reach any sort of mutual conclusion.  This was extremely frustrating to me, being that he was (and still is) my best friend, so I couldn’t talk about this to the person I would normally turn to.

She started describing to me the Queen of Swords, “…emotionally distant…seeks the highest truth…presents impossible tests of loyalty in relationships…high standards of perfection…”

I knew that she was describing my husband.   She was good.

Then came her description of the King of Wands,                                                             “aggressive…intolerant…headstrong…temper…dramatic…”

Holy crap.  That was me.

She just described the way we had been communicating with each other at the time.  How did she know this?

It was in the cards.  And man, did she know her cards. 

She did not mince words, she gave me tough love realness and told me exactly what I had to do to stop my pity party.   I’m not sure what I expected or wanted to hear that day, but she wasn’t going to give it to me.

What she did give to me, was what I actually needed to hear.  When I got home I was able to apply all the advice she gave me.  Our conversations became more well-rounded, and we were able to see things from each other’s perspectives.

Not only did she help me to see my relationship dynamics more clearly so that I could better communicate with my husband…

…but my first Tarot reading awoke within me the deep connection I have to the cards (and eventually other forms of divination) that spans across this and other lifetimes.

To the woman who showed me that it’s possible to forge your own path in the world, thank you.  You’ve shown me that:

“You can go your own way!”

She wasn’t the first, either, and she won’t be the last.  I’ve been so inspired by the immense wisdom held by the spiritual professionals who have helped me along my way.

So whether you are helping someone to navigate their close personal relationships, or get the nerve to pursue their passion with bold confidence, you are doing great work! 

Thank you for your commitment and courage to show up in the world in a way that is authentically spiritually aligned.   Thank you for being you, and offering your truth, your practicality and your realness!

You are helping to transform this world for the better. 

Love, Nora